Archive for October 2013

UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage: Choices & Rights

“Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation”
is the slogan of this year’s celebration of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (27 October). The world’s audiovisual heritage of sound recordings and moving images are extremely vulnerable as a result of factors ranging from neglect, natural decay to technological obsolescence, as well as deliberate destruction. Consequently, UNESCO has made it part of its mission to raise public consciousness of the importance of preservation of these recordings through the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.

(From UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage)

It is of the utmost importance that filmmakers around the world continue to have the ability to choose the mediums and technologies that best support the preservation of their works into the future. Well-tested and proven technologies that facilitate this goal must continue to remain available.

UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on October 27th, 2013 is an opportune time to highlight the critical importance of maintaining choice in how audiovisual works are preserved and presented, framed in terms relevant to the artistic rights of filmmakers.

Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 guarantees the Right to Freedom of Expression for all and underpins the right of filmmakers to choose the mediums by which they communicate their ideas through their works. This extends from production and postproduction, through exhibition and into preservation.

Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

It follows that attempts to limit choice of medium, to restrict diversity, and to narrow options in this area are not only culturally damaging and unjust – they contravene fundamental human rights.

UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity 2001

UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003

UNESCO Convention On The Protection And Promotion Of The Diversity Of Cultural Expressions 2005

UN Photo / Elspeth MacDougall

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